Amanda Kemp

Ko Papatu tōku maunga,

Ko Te Arai tōku awa,

Ko Horouta tōku waka,

Ko Ohako tōku marae,

Ko Rongowhakaata, 

Ko Aitanga-a-Māhaki, 

Ko Ngai Tāmanuhiri ōku iwi

Nō Tūranga nui a kiwa ahau,

Ko Amanda tōku ingoa

Artist Statement

Amanda has worked as an artist both in Aotearoa and Europe, and over a 30-year period has perfected working in multiple mediums. 

She specialises in hand-built ceramic sculpture, often in the form of wall installations. 

Her work is very intuitive and energy based. She works in what she describes as a state of ‘no Mind’ and therefore prefers not to hold onto concepts which determine her work. She does however focus on the integrity of her making processes,  as she feels the artwork has the ability then to he mau pūngao or hold energy.

In respect of this, she prefers to use natural materials such as wild clay and oxides, and often includes methods that require the elements (fire, earth and water).

Amanda's work is deeply localised to her whenua home land but is also expansive in spirit. 

Her touch stone is the dynamic between light and shadow in our human experience, which expands to all.

Ruku i te pō, ruku i te ao.

Delve into the dark, emerge in the light.