Amelia Blundell

Ko Whangaroa te moana

Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua me Maamari ngā waka

Ko Ururoa te tūpuna

He uri ahau no Ngāpuhi me Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa 

I tupu ake au ki te rohe o Te Uri o Hau me Te Roroa hoki

Nō Ruawai ia tōku whānau

Kei Whangārei e noho ana au

Artist Statement

Amelia, a student of the whenua, creates forms with uku that acknowledge our deep and integral connections to the whenua. A recent graduate of Toi Ngāpuhi Tai o Hī Tai o Hā wānanga series, Amelia has been learning from ringatoi nō Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu (artists of the Northern tribe, Ngāpuhi) and developing her own uku practice. Guided by her whakapapa and inspired by her studies in horticulture, Amelia hopes to create work that embodies Indigenous ways of being - relating to people and land, honouring both the wisdom and whakapapa embedded in te taiao.