Avara Moody

Te taha o tōku pāpā,

Ko Ngāti Manawa tōku hapū

Ko Motutī tōku marae

Ko Te Oki Mahu tōku tupuna 

He uri ahau no Te Rarawa, me Ūropi 

Te taha o tōku māmā,

Ko Maraea Kautawhiti tõku tupuna 

He uri ahau no Tainui me Hāmoa me Ūropi 

Ko takatāpui ahau

Ko Avara Moody ahau

Artist Statement

Avara Moody (they/she) is a takatāpui designer based in Tāmaki Makaurau who has been working with clay since 2016. Clay for them is a way to connect with the whenua and environment around them.

They whakapapa to Te Rārawa, Tainui and Samoa alongside their European heritage. Home for them is Kapanga Coromandel Town where their family have been living for many generations on Te Patukirikiri land. 

Avara has a Masters in Design specialising in industrial/product design which informs the way they approach their ceramic practice.