Tara-Lee Manu

Ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Whakataha te maunga

Ko Waitangi te awa

Ko Ngāpuhi Te iwi

Ko Ngai Tawake ki Te Tuawhenua raāa ko Ngāti Rāhiri ngā Hapū

Ko Tauwhara te marae

Ko Tara-Lee Manu tōku ingoa

Artist Statement

Ngāmotu-based Ngāpuhi artist Tara-Lee Manu weaves together her background in textile surface design, mahingā kai and toi Māori in a grounded, sustainable, creative practice.  

Through the growing and gathering of plants and whenua for use as dyes, inks and pigments, a love of working with uku has developed.  

Tara-Lee explores and responds to her relationship with Te Ao Tūroa through her mahi toi using local mediums.