“I have always been really good at communication. I used to work in Radio Broadcasting when the late Mano Nathan thought I had heaps of potential. He saw a pot I had made/tutu with in my garage. So I gave up my job to do the Applied Arts Diploma in Northtec, to the distain of my dad. 2 years later, I transferred down to Gisborne's Toihoukura at Tairawhiti Polytechnic for the Maori Design Higher Diploma. I had heard it was the place to go.
While in my last term... I was very misfortunate and had a major stroke which left me not being able walk.
I bummed out so bad... and I wouldnt pick up a clay tool for about 12 years.
With sheer determination, that I would make better clay then before my stroke. I managed to get an Exhibition with Veranoa Hetet in the Dargaville Arts Association building. Veranoa’s medium is raranga and moka. She is well known especially in the Maori community.
I like to organise my own exhibitions and enjoy being part of Nga Kaihanga Uku ( Maori Clay Artists Collective) and teaching clay to adult students at Sarah's Solutions.
Engari... (but)
I'm just happy as... working with clay again!”
Yvonne Tana
Photographer: Tatiana Harper